So I love when everything works out perfectly. Like yesterday. I woke up at Emily's after spending the night at her house, and we did NOT want to go to dance. Yet we got up and got ready, then we headed to dance. And Haley was late, as usual. So Emily and I decided to avoid dance for a bit longer by laying down the rest of the marley floor, which took about fourty-five minutes. So it was almost ten by the time we started class. And Haley made up for the lost time by working our butts off. My back is officially bruised because my spine was grinding against the floor during crunches. Ow.

But, my back-ups are higher than ever. And my abs feel tighter, so it's all good. :)

And then we had Lyrical where Erin made us do a dance about lovers that were about to end their relationship, but we didnt have any boys in the class so Emily had to be my lover. I called her my "swan song", you'd understand if you knew the song. But ohh goodness the dance was quite lets-run-our-hands-over-our-bodies...

And then I had to get ready for the Mt. Hood swim meet. Oh man, I was gross and sweaty from dance. My hair was frizzy because I didn't blow dry it, and I had absolutely no make up on. So in other words, I was crap personified. So I put on nornal not-dance clothes and took my hair down from my pony tail, and then decided to tie it up into a half pony. I put make up on in five minutes and then Emily drove me to the pool. And thank God she came in with me to hang out for awhile.

She left me with my friend Taylor and he introduced me to some of his friends, like Jon. Taylor and I then went on a walk. We sat in the grass on campus and talked for something like two and a half hours. JUST talking, I promise. We discovered how much we have in common. When we got back to the pool, Jon teased us and didn't believe that we JUST talked. He then asked Taylor directly in front of me if we were offical yet. Poor Taylor. He handled it well though. His friends are very funny and seem quite nice. They told us they approve of what we have going on. And Jon even asked me if I had a single older sister. Haha.

Yes, yesterday was perfect. :)


YAY!! I'm glad yesterday was perfect =] And I'm glad that everything went so well at the swim meet =]

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