These are the random thoughts that are floating around my head. Be prepared to not understand how they flow together, because when I look back on them, I probably won't understand either.

Tired. hot sleeping bag. take down tent tonight. fan. so annoying. sleep. sounds good. too bad. hmm...I'm hungry. what to eat? nah, too lazy. couch. TV. what's on today anyway? movie. ohhh. movie last night. :) that was fun. So fun. Taylor! He's fun. and cute. and sweet. Sigh. I like him lots. I'm so comfortable with him. That's not normal, usually I'm so shy around new guys I like. Oh well. Boyfriend. Taylor's my boyfriend! :D Oh yes. Good day. Swim meet. Emily. Jordan. watch. want to swim, too bad I'll be wearing makeup. I'll flirt with Taylor. Some other time to swim I guess. Oh well. cute swim suit. Need another. Two bikini's isn't enough, especially when they're both two big on the bottoms! Stupid swim suits never fit me right. Jeans. AE jeans fit perfectly! I love AE. Too bad they're so expensive...oh well. That's why we have birthdays! There's nothing wrong with gift cards! Ew. Morning breath. Mouthwash. Now. Groooosss. Need a facial. pedicure. manicure. spa day! no money. poop. massage. mmm. sounds good, too bad. can't get one. stupid money. Onyata Gorge! Should go with Em, Kaylee, and Dez. that only takes gas. Em has a car! Yipee. Zacky. I miss him. I see him next week! We're going to Harry Potter! Yay! I love my Zacky big brother. So nice. Good friend. And supportive. So is Em. And B, and Becca. :) Best friends ever. Love them. Big hugs. Mine are bigger! Haha! Ahh! No crushing me! Oh man, and I though Taylor was certifiably insane, and to think it's actually me! Maybe we're both crazy. Ahaha. Not really a surprise. Oh well. Clothes. I need clothes. Time to go shopping again! School in a month! Oh thank the lord! Time to go. Shower time, need food. Stop typing. Bye.

Much Love <3,
Alyssa Marie


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