People often second guess themselves, they often question their own judgement. And when that happens we tend to rely on our friends to assure us that our judgement is right. I hate when friends doubt our judgement just as much as we do. Why do people feel the need to have approval from....well, anyone.

Approval. It's such an ordinary thing, yet it controls our lives so much more than we would like to think. Will our colleges, our parents, our friends approve of our grades and after school activities? Will our parents approve of our new boyfriend or girlfriend. Will my students' parents approve of my teaching tactics?

It's crazy isn't it? That we have to rely so heavily on others when making decisions in our lives. And why do we (well some of us) feel guilty when we disappoint our loved ones or don't live up to their expectations? Life is crazy, unexpected things happen. And things happen fast, but isn't that what's good about life. And what is so strange is that the split second decisions I make that people don't approve of, I usually NEVER regret.

So then why does approval matter so much to us? To me? Should it matter?

Just my thoughts.

Alyssa Marie


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