Dance camp was great today. We worked on lots of leaps and had tons of fun. The picture to the left is me working on my splats. Haha, I know; it's a funny name. But you DO feel like a bug on a windshield, in the good way of course.

And then we came home to a house with no air conditioning. It's 99 degrees Fahrenheit and in my house it's 93. Oh buddy, it's hot. I hate hot. I keep taking cold showers to try to cool down. I feel sick because of the heat and I do not like it. Not fun at all.

:) But spending the night at Becca's house on Saturday was oodles of fun. We talked our heads off about boys, and the drama that always follows boys, and life, and fun things that we've done. Becca's mom made the best beef stroganoff on the entire planet. I think I had thirds... that's how amazing it was! I rarely ever even get seconds. And then in the morning Becca made me marion berry pancakes. Then we watched my last performance, Once Upon a Dance. And I made annoying little critiques about myself, because I couldn't help it. We played with her hover disc and discovered that they really DO hover and that it is quite hard to get it to go in the direction that you wish it would. And THEN I saw a sprinkler. And in our street clothes, Becca and I started skipping through the sprinkler and splashing each other and getting completely soaked. It was amazing fun.

I also enjoyed that Hannah and Taylor stopped by my house to hang out with me Saturday before Becca's. :) We talked about lots and I got to know Taylor better. It was a lot of fun.

Well, because our house has no air conditioning, I must find other ways of keeping cool. And that means that it's sprinkler time. Thank God for planting the idea in some person's head. Okay, well I'm going to go jump through the sprinkler. Ta ta.

Much Love <3,
Alyssa Marie


=] I love you Alyssa Root!!! You're awesome =] I hope you manage to stay cool this week!!!

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