I would like to let it be known that I love being a dance teacher so much. SO incredibly much. I taught 7-9 year old dance camp today and my girls worked so hard. I even got to teach the top two (Madison and McKenzie) how to do beats! I don't think I learned beats until I was about ten, and they're eight! Not only did they learn them, but they were good (well, better than anyone would ever expect) at them!! And then I took lyrical and hip hop class. Lyrical was GREAT! Stellar. Hip hop was...eh. A bit boring, but that's okay but the last 5 hours had made up for it.

And now I am extremely tired. And hungry. Oh, I am soooo hungry. And I know you're thinking "well, Alyssa...stop being an idiot and go get some food." But I want to type this blog first, and then I'll make a late lunch or something. I want to take a nap too, because I would really hate to fall asleep during the 100th episode of So You Think You Can Dance. ohmigosh. Okay guys, for those of you that don't watch So You Think You Can Dance, or you missed Wednesday's show; there was a dance about breast cancer. It was danced by a ballerina (Melissa) and a contemporary dancer (Ade). This piece had the whole audience, every choreographer, the dancers, and the judges in tears. It was so amazing. If you like to see it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EarnlRo4VXw&feature=related

Anyway. It was a great day. :) I hope you're having a good day too.

Much Love <3,
Alyssa Marie


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