My first post on my re-done blog. :) Very nice. Okay well...HI!

haha. My blog will mainly consist of whatever I feel like posting. Maybe a questionnaire, maybe a favorite song, a journal entry, or me just going on about how much I love my friends and life. Most important to remember; I'm random!

Things change fast in my life, if may be hard to keep up, but I'll try my hardest to help you along the way. Hehe, this should be kinda fun!

So today I got a forward on my cell (from an unrecognized number), but it was so sweet. So, I'll share it with you.

The PERFECT guy would...

text you every few hours to see how you are doing.

tell you you're gorgeous in front of his guy friends. (Let me just say that I fully agree with this one boys)

stay on the phone with you even if you're not saying anything.

tease you, but let you tease him right back.

stay up all night with you when you're sick.

watch your favorite movie with you. (Even if, in my friend's case, it's Land Before Time.)

Won't wipe his mouth after you kiss him.

give you the world.

let you wear his clothes.

hang out with you when you're bored and sad.

let you know that you're important.

kiss you in the pouring rain.

when you run up to him crying; the first thing he says is, "Who am I beating up today baby?"

So yeah, welcome to my blog. I'm sure I'll be updating regularly. :)

Much Love <3,
Alyssa Marie


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